At present, the Azure CLI does not provide a means to upload schemas into the Event Hubs registry. Currently, the only options available are through the JavaScript SDK and the Azure Portal. I have been exploring a straightforward method to publish schemas seamlessly through a pipeline. This approach ensures that schemas are automatically versioned, released with each deployment, and mitigates the risk of oversight.
- task: AzureCLI@2
displayName: Register Avro Schemas
azureSubscription: "Service Connection"
scriptType: "bash"
scriptLocation: "inlineScript"
inlineScript: |
response=$(az account get-access-token --resource https://<Namespace_Name>
token="Bearer `echo $response | jq ."accessToken" | tr -d '"'`"
avro='{"namespace": "","type": "record","name": "Order","fields": [{"name": "id","type": "string"},{"name": "amount","type": "double"}]}'
curl -X PUT -d $avro -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:$token" -H "Serialization-Type:Avro" 'https://<Namespace_Name>$schemagroups/<SchemaGroup_Name>/schemas/<Schema_Name>?api-version=2020-09-01-preview'
Using the AzureCLI@2 Tasks along with a Service Connection, we have the capability to execute az
commands and obtain an access token for the * resource. With this token, it becomes feasible to pump Avro files into the registry.
In a further step, I expanded the script to include the capability of reading Avro files from a directory.
response=$(az account get-access-token --resource https://<Namespace_Name>
token="Bearer `echo $response | jq ."accessToken" | tr -d '"'`"
for file in *.avro; do
avro_data=$(cat "$file")
echo "Publishing $file to schema registry <Namespace_Name>"
echo "Content: $avro_data"
curl -X PUT -d "$avro_data" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:$token" -H "Serialization-Type:Avro" "https://<Namespace_Name>\$schemagroups/<SchemaGroup_Name>/schemas/$schema_name?api-version=2020-09-01-preview"